No More Fantasies
Premiered April 25, 2019
Presented by New Works at the Annex, Vancouver BC
Corrupting the form of 'pas de deux' by employing a utilitarian approach to physical interaction, the limits of two female bodies is displayed unadorned; the shake of muscles in contraction, the watery movement of released limbs. There is a detached sense of give and take where consent is pre-established and the co-operative nature of the performers relationship renders weight exchange matter of fact. Limbs are stepped on, handled, lifted, or moved with delicate care, as the two women utilize each other's bodies for motion, propelled through space by surrendering agency to the other.
Created by Julianne Chapple in collaboration with Maxine Chadburn.
Premiere Date and Venue/Location:
The Annex, Vancouver, April 25th, 2019 presented by New Works at Nights
Past performances:
Shooting Gallery Performance Series, Vancouver, November 2016
Dance Matter's Series, A Woman's Work, Toronto, November 2018
Echo Echo Festival of Movement and Dance, Northern Ireland, November 2018
Movement Research at Judson Church, New York, March 2019
Fluid Festival, Calgary, October 2019
Tech residency and informal showing, Vernon Arts Centre, January 2020
Length in Minutes:
50 minutes
(also available, 30 min or 15 min excerpts)